New for the Software industry!

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software system designed and optimized for the software industry.

ST-Solutions is a full-featured Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with an emphasis on businesses in the software industry. This is a high-powered system with a comprehensive array of tools to manage all personnel groups – including employees, customers, suppliers, and other customizable groups.

ST-Solutions CRM has been designed with one vision in mind – to automate the process of relationship management to the maximum extent, so that businesses can focus on other important aspects of their operations.

Extra emphasis has been paid to features that are most valuable to software businesses, with extra functionality tailored to the needs of companies in this industry.

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What can ST-Solutions offer to your business?

Customer lead generation is one of the major challenges facing businesses today, both online and otherwise. ST-Solutions CRM is able to assist businesses with their lead generation efforts, to create a sustainable and continuous flow of leads for their business.

Core CRM Features

The Hub for all customer interactions before and after the sale

CRM customized for the software industry

Digital and physical lead management

Automation of customer follow-up

Streamlined service workflows

Past customer marketing communications

Integration with other popular software platforms

How well does ST-Solutions CRM perform as a core CRM solution?

Customer Relationship Management systems have come a long way since their infancy decades ago. ST-Solutions CRM provides an optimized, easy-to-use and learn solution that radically reduces required training hours to operate. Standard CRM tools are all at your fingertips with ST-Solutions CRM.

Operational management

All the tools needed to run and operate your business are at your fingertips with ST-Solutions CRM.

Marketing and Lead Management tools provided by ST-Solutions CRM

  • Fully customizable landing pages that can be tailored to your business' needs
  • Seamless sign-up forms that capture potential customers’ key details
  • Personalizable and customizable marketing campaigns tailored to your business and its products
  • Live chat functionality

*screenshots are from early pre-production versions, and may vary in the final release